July 8, 2018

2018 Bookish Goals 6-Month Check-In

Today I'm doing a post to check-in on my bookish goals for 2018. I never did a post at the beginning of the year to announce what those goals were so this will all be new information to anyone reading this post, but at the end of the year, I'll have this post to refer back to when I wrap up my bookish goals for the entire year.


  • Read 100 books total - On Goodreads, you can set a reading goal for the number of books you want to read in a calendar year. Goodreads is a pretty handy way to keep track of where you're at in your goal as the goal tracker can calculate how many books ahead or behind your goal you are. I set my goal to 100 and as I'm writing this post I am 25 books ahead of schedule. If I can keep up this momentum, I should end the year well above my goal. 
  • 100 Women Writers - In order to make sure I'm reading more women writers, I have a list of 100 which I would like to read works from. I don't expect to complete this challenge this year, but I did want to make progress on it. I have a post on this where I track my progress, linked here
  • Continue with series' I've started - I have a pretty bad habit of starting series, but not continuing with them or finishing them. I have a post with the list of series I've started (linked here) and one of my goals this year is to continue with some of the series and possibly finish a few others. 
  • Decrease number of owned TBR books - While using the KonMari method to purge my book collection, I decided to come up with a way to force myself to finally get through my owned TBR books. I explain this further in my KonMari post (linked here), but basically, my goal is to cut my owned TBR books in at least half. At the start of the year, I had around 60 unread books, so I'm hoping to get that under 30 by the end of 2018. 
  • Reading women year-long challenge - The Reading Women challenge is similar to the 100 Women Writers Challenge in that both make it a goal to read more women. However, the Reading Women challenge is year-long and has prompts to help you pick which books you'll read. I have an updated post on this as well, linked here
  • BookRiot read harder challenge - I do this challenge every year. It's a fun way to read outside of your comfort zone. 
  • Read 1 Shakespeare play a month - This goal is fairly self-explanatory. So far, I've kept up with this and I'm really enjoying it. 


  • Start a blog - So obviously I've accomplished this goal. I did have specific things I wanted to do with this blog that I'll get into. Initially, I wanted to post once a week, but this has turned into twice as I've begun doing Top 5 Wednesday posts. Though this will be changing again as I plan to start doing weekly reviews on Fridays. 
  • Post 1 book review a month - I've followed this for the most part. There was one month I didn't have a review, but I made up for it by posting two the next month. Again, I'm hoping to post weekly reviews soon. I'm also hoping to diversify the types of book I'm reviewing and review books from different genres and at least one book by a woman every month. 
  • Start a bookstagram - I've also done this (linked here) and post 3-4 times a week, which is what I had hoped to be doing. 
  • Start a booktube channel - Clearly, I wanted to dive fully into the online book community. This is something I've been wanting to do forever, and I'm currently working on it. When I start my channel, I hope to upload weekly, with one video a month being a review.  

Those are my goals for 2018, do you have any? Subscribe to BookSass for more bookish goodness and thanks for reading!

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