I just wanted to make a quick announcement to let you know that BookSass has officially moved! I've been playing around with the idea of moving BookSass to WordPress for a while now, and I've finally done it. The new link is booksassbookblog.wordpress.com and I will only be posting there from now on.
So why did I decide to move?
There are a few features WordPress offers that unfortunately, you just don't get with Blogger. And while I've been very pleased with how I've grown on this platform, I'm very excited to see how I continue to grow on WordPress. From what I've noticed, WordPress is more commonly used and, it seems, the more popular blogging host. WordPress also offers a more detailed look at your blog's statistics than Blogger currently does. I have experienced a bit of a learning curve in trying to figure out how to use WordPress, but I'm pleased with the results, and I hope you will all come with me to the new blog!
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