May 20, 2018

TAG: Books by Leynes Tag!

This is a tag that has been floating around parts of booktube recently. It was created by Adrian from Stripped Cover Lit (channel linked here) about Hélène from books by leynes (channel linked here). This tag looked really fun, and I love both of their channels, so here we go.


Question #1 - That Stupid Accent: What is your favorite piece of literature by an author foreign from your country?

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
I absolutely adore this book. I think for this tag question, it is especially worth mentioning that Nabokov originally wrote Lolita in English, despite the fact that Russian was his native language. I can't even imagine learning that level of fluency in a second language.

Question #2 - Dumb Bendy Twirly Gymnastic Stuffs: Heleeeen is an avid toe toucher and high kicker. Name a book that had a plot which was far too twisty turny.

Otherworld by Jason Segel & Kirsten Miller
This plot was all over the place. Otherworld follows our protagonist, Simon, and takes place in two different worlds, one being the real world, and the other being a virtual world called Otherworld. There's basically a full story taking place in each world with Simon being an active part in both, but eventually they crossover and intertwine to bring everything together. Parts of the plot were genuinely good, and others were underwhelming, but I can assure you there is plenty of it and you will have no idea where it is going while you're reading.

Question #3 - #### ### ##### #### ####### ## #### ####### #####: We all know hehlynn has a dirty mouth. What is your favorite use of a curse word through all of literature?

In Othello by William Shakespeare, Othello at one point argues with his wife Desdemona. He is claiming her to be a liar and she denies it saying "Heaven doth truly know it" meaning heaven knows she is telling the truth. Othello replies "Heaven truly knows that thou art false as hell" which is basically Shakespearean speak for "Bitch I see right through you, you're fake." 

Question #4 - That Good Hair: Name a character quirk of a villain that you absolutely love.

I could go on a long ass rant about why Victor Frankenstein is the real villain in Frankenstein and not his monster, but I'm not going to do that today because I don't think any of us has the time for that. So, we'll say my favorite villain is Victor Frankenstein. He isn't my favorite villain because I like him as a person/character, but because I love to talk about him. My favorite quirk of his is how 'damsel in distress' he is whenever something upsetting happens. Like I get that bringing a monster to life would be an upsetting thing to witness, but why the hell is his reaction "I simply can't deal with this, I should probably take a nap"??? Throughout the entire novel, whenever something significant happens, Victor becomes ill and acts completely helpless. This quirk of his is both infuriating and hilarious, and that's why it is my favorite. 

Question #5 - Booktube Sucks!: HLN made waves by saying that booktube sucks and so does your channel and if you don't have a channel, you suck for watching booktube. In this prompt, we dare another booktuber to create a video that we have always wished they would do.

I will be skipping this for the obvious reason that I do not have a booktube channel.

Question #6 - The Hamilton Diaries: No one cares about Hamilton, you mouthbreather. Name a popular literary phenomenon about which you simply could not care less.

Colleen Hoover books seem especially popular on booktube. As far as I know, she writes primarily new adult. I have never and will never have any desire to read her books. I'm not sure what it is exactly that makes everyone love her books so much, but I don't find them appealing in the least bit and have heard awful things about them.

Question #7 - Booktube Still Sucks!: Name some things you would like to see, or see more of, on booktube.

I would like to see more non-YA books discussed. I have nothing against YA, I myself read quite a bit of it, but I read plenty of other genres as well. I wish more people on booktube, especially bigger booktubers, would open themselves up to other genres and encourage their viewers to try them as well.

Question #8 - Black Writers Matter: What is your favorite work by a Black author?

The Sun is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon
This was a beautiful book. It follows two main characters who basically fall in love the same day they meet. I am not a fan of the instalove trope, but somehow in this, it just works. There's a lot of discussion surrounding race, deportation, immigration, stereotypes, etc. as well, which I also thought was handled wonderfully.


I don't have anyone specific to tag, if you would like to do this then consider yourself tagged. If you haven't heard of the channels mentioned at the top of this post, I highly recommend you check them out. Comment below whether or not you plan to do the tag or your links to those posts/videos, or subscribe to BookSass. Thanks for reading! 

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